Monday, May 4, 2009

39-Week Check-up

Okay, I went in for my 39 week check-up and I'm now dilated to a '5'! OH, COME ON! Why can't I just go the whole way? None of this put-putting along. Geez, Louise! Talk about a trial of patience! (*Deep breath*) So, anyway, my OB gave me some options: 1) Wait another week and see if I go on my own. 2) Go in sometime this week and break my water and see if contractions start. 3)Go in sometime this week and break my water and start pitocin.
At this point, I'm thinking I'm going to wait another week. I really, really do not want to be any way. I always clown on the girls that come in for elective inductions when they still have a few weeks to go. I'm like..."Sooo, you couldn't handle being pregnant for 2 more weeks?"
My OB, however, was concerned that with me being "half way" dilated if my water were to break at home, I wouldn't have much time to get to the hospital before having the baby. That does scare me and that would be the only reason why I would be induced.
But, for now, I'm going to hang in there and see if I can do this on my own. I'll keep you posted!


mIcHeLLe said...

don't be induced. I was induced and should have waited w/ my first and ended up ...after laboring for 20+ hrs...w/a c-section...not worth it. I know the end is THE worst though...hang in there.

Dawn Rae said...

Inductions suck!(all three of mine have been that way and not by my choice) I can't believe you are walking around as a 5! I thought that is when they put in the epidural :) Aren't you having crazy contractions? Do a couple of stairs laps and she will probably pop out! Anyway, looks like it could go fast for you. You are in our prayers.

Gail and Steve said...

Wow Kim....... Don't be induced. It HURTS to much. I am afraid for you to be home if your water breaks. Have you taught Scott about home delivery? Get him ready. I have a feeling. We send all our love to our special daughter.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

hahaha OH come on...dont knock the induced girls!! I HATE being induced, I did not want to be induced with Amelie.... trust me.... as much as I HATED being pregnant with her.... I hate the 18 hours of labor. I was more than fine to wait another week.... I will just LAUGH and freak out if you go in labor at home and give birth at home. Baby number 3..... they come fast!! But hey, you are super could deliver your own baby!!

Nicole said...

Wow. Lots of strong feeling about being induced out there! Good luck. I hope she comes soon!

Bilary said...

Wow, how ARE you walking around? When I'm a 5, give me 25 minutes and I deliver. Yikes! I really hope you can make it to the hospital in time if your water does break. But, hey, you could at least instruct Scott throught the process, right?;) I really hope you have that sweet baby soon and that all goes well for you.

Rhiannon said...

I have a midwife who always says, "What got it in there, will get it out!" ;) Anyway it's worth a try... get all your tricks out and start using them. Acupuncture, oils, walking, etc. I'm sure you know even better than me! I can't wait to hear your good news.

The Shelleys said...

Good luck! You are in our prayers!

Becky said...

I can't wait! So exciting!

Alicia said...

I am glad that you found me. I am just trying to figure out the blog thing. Not so good at it. You have a beautiful family and congrats on the new baby. Hopefully she comes soon for you. Where are you living at? Take care!

Rhiannon said...

Any news? Updates? Excited for you! Lots of love coming your way!

Haley said...

I feel for ya. I haven't been induced, but with Lainey I went into labor at home, got to the hospital at 100 mph,(the car woudn't go any faster) and had her in six minutes by the time we hit the hospital door. Good Luck

Momma said...

Kim... I haven't seen you for a few weeks. I have been thinking about you and hope everything goes ok for you. Keep us updated!!

Melissae said...

I heard you had your baby Kim! Congrats!!

Can't wait to see pictures! :-)

We'll be thinking about you guys!