Monday, September 1, 2008

It's The Forever Kind of Love

I copied this directly from my sister-in-law's blog (including the blog title), because I was so touched by what she said about her belief in eternal families. The things she said also hold true for me as well. I'm so grateful to KNOW that our family is forever. I'm so grateful to KNOW that no matter what happens to us or our children down the road, we will be together again someday. My heart breaks for this couple who lost their baby boy just 2 days before his due date. But it's true, as mentioned on the blog, they learned so much from him from the short time he was here on earth. His mission in this life was fulfilled. I know that their loss is made more bearable with their knowledge of the Gospel and the knowledge that their family is eternally bound through sacred ordinances.
This is what Sarah, my sis-in-law, wrote:
"So my friend, Meagan, posted a link from her blog to another blog. She doesn't know these people and neither do I, but their story is amazing and very humbling to me. Watch the video on their page & read the background to it. It has truly made me grateful for many things. Specifically my family. I am so blessed to have Amber. I know I don't recognize that every day and I don't always feel 100% blessed but I truly am. Even more so, I'm grateful and blessed to be sealed to my family for eternity. I do know that families can be together forever. I don't know how I could go through life not knowing if I'd ever be able to see the ones I love again. It'd be to painful to not have that knowledge. I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me that blessing and that knowledge. And I know that not all of you have my same beliefs and that's ok. But I just wanted all of you to know that it's true -- families are meant to be family forever. But please, go this link and seriously -- no matter what religion or faith you have or don't have, you're going to be touched. And it WILL make you cry so grab some Kleenex."

Here's the link:

(You'll have to copy and paste the link. I can't seem to make it active.)


Jennie Brown Stephens said...

ok, I have tears gushing down my cheeks right now Kim! When I hear about baby's passing away, it makes me want to just hug and kiss my kids and never let them go! Oh wow.. what a touching story on their web page... more proof of how fragile life is

Adam and Sarah said...

I'm here, offering my help. :) You just highlight the words or address you want to make the link and press Control+Shift+A
Then it brings up a tiny window & you enter (I just copy and paste it) the web address you want to link to. :D It's simple as that. Good luck!

Oh and PS -- I've been wondering, does Scott have a recipe for that sauce he made for the poached eggs? Or does he just do it how he likes it because he an amazing chef? And... how do you poach an egg? I have been craving his Eggs Benedict since the day he made it for us! Yum!

Dawn Rae said...

What is that little Widget icon...I guess congrats are in order! Hope you are feeling well and everything goes well.